UPDATE SEPT 19 2024- Exactly one year since my last update. The work continues! I’ve been very busy this past year with unavoidable life issues. A crippling vacation injury, child-rearing, and other responsibilities have slowed my progress, but I’ve managed to keep moving, albeit at a slow pace. I have up to 18 of a planned 30 chapters written, just need to be polished, and I’ve been steadily creating concept artwork and fleshing out details of the story behind the scenes. These types of thing include a “bible” so to speak, for the lore of the universe in which the story takes place, with a time-line constructed of all the important events. Others are ship and character designs that I’ve been working on, as well as how certain planets and destinations should look and feel when I write them into the story. So that’s about it for this update, just know that I’m past the half way mark on the written page, and well ahead of the curve with background details that will ultimately help me write towards the end of the narrative at a faster pace.

UPDATE SEPT 19 2023- Closing in on 15 chapters, half of the book completed. Initiated construction of a new page for lots of new artwork including Character Bios, Ships, Locales, Settings etc. Link below will take you to the page under construction.

UPDATE JULY 06 2023- There is a new blog post showcasing concept art. Thank you all for being so patient. I’d like to give an update. Shortly after my last post in October of 2022, my Wife gave birth to our beautiful baby girl. It’s been a very busy time for me and I haven’t been able to keep up with this website. However, I do look to be getting back into the swing of things and posting regular content. While the teaser below is still the initial 3 chapters, I have since written 8 additional chapters to bring the total to 11. I have even gone back and revised some of the work in the initially posted teaser. When I have a chance I will post some of my progress.

Open the Book below to begin the journey:


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Star Stream is a Science Fiction Mystery story set in the distant future. Several chapters are already written. For now, enjoy the teaser. All Star Stream Related content, such as concept art, previews, and blog discussions will be linked below as they come available.

To see a list of changes to this draft Click here →to view the change-log